English Literature
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Welcome to Literature-study-online, a site dedicated to the study and enjoyment of English literature. The site has grown from my own enthusiasm for reading and studying literature. I hope you find it useful. Throughout the site, the Bookshop links are intended to assist anyone wishing to find or purchase books. The Google search boxes will help you search this site, or the web. This site is run by one person. I am the editor and co-author of The Essentials of Literature in English Post-1914 published by Hodder Arnold in 2005. I contributed to GCSE Kit: English Literature Post-1914 by Chris Webster, published by Hodder & Stoughton in 2003. I have an honours degree in English Literature from the University of Reading, a Postgraduate Diploma in Librarianship from University of West London, and an online teaching certificate from the IITT. I taught a course on English Literature for the London School of Journalism, for whom I have also taught Short Story and Novel Writing, Improve Your English, and English for Business.
What this site has to offer: ![]() English Literature LinksLinks to web sites specialising in specific authors, periods, or genres of English literature. The list includes links to assist anyone wishing to browse or buy books by and about that author, and links which indicate when film adaptations of the author's work are available on DVD and listed on Books on Film![]() English Literature EssaysEssays on a wide range of literary topics. This section began in a small way in July 2000, and now, thanks to numerous contributors from all over the world, it has grown into a substantial collection of literary criticism.![]() Author Pages.Introduction to the author and recommended links. TS Eliot | William Golding | Thomas Hardy | Ernest Hemingway | Ted Hughes | James Joyce | D H Lawrence | John Steinbeck | Tennessee Williams![]() Modern Literature Time ChartThe publication dates of works of modern literature shown in the context of important historical cultural events.![]() Books on FilmWatching a film of a novel or play can be a good way of getting to know it quickly. Here you can browse an illustrated annotated guide to novels and plays which have been filmed.![]() Short Story WritingAdvice on short story writing from an experienced creative writing tutor.![]() Glossary of Literary TermsDefinitions of terms frequently encountered in the study of English literature![]() Literature in English Post-1914The Essentials of Literature in English Post-1914 is a reference book for anyone studying, teaching, or simply interested in modern literature. The book covers modern literature in English from all over the world.
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